In today's Sunday Telegram, our girl Laurel receives a very special delivery, with best wishes for a happy Easter!
Stripper's Guide is Moving!
3 months ago
A cartoon blog starring Laurel Tilbury, 9, of 33-1/3 Tadcaster Place, Worcester, Massachusetts. New cartoons appear every Sunday in the ACT section of the Sunday Telegram and online at
In today's Sunday Telegram, our girl Laurel receives a very special delivery, with best wishes for a happy Easter!
In this Sunday's Telegram, our girl Laurel beholds an early herald of spring, even on a most unspring-like day.
In this Sunday's Telegram, our girl Laurel's literally right in step for a happy St. Patrick's Day and wishes you the same!
In this Sunday's Telegram, our girl Laurel repairs a wardrobe malfunction at the Worcester County St. Patrick's Parade Sunday on Park Avenue.
In this Sunday's Telegram, our girl Laurel visits the candlepin bowling alleys of yesterday's Worcester, the game's birthplace.